Abrolhos Islands

122 islands make up the pristine Houtman Abrolhos Islands. An archipelago with crystal blue waters and an abundance of sea life make a visit to the Islands a must for all visitors! Located approximately 60km off the Geraldton coast, the Islands comprise three major groups, the Wallabi, Easter and Pelsaert groups stretching from north to south across 100 kilometres of ocean.

Known for the tragic Batavia Story, the Islands are also popular for cray fishing, pearls and the bird and marine life. The Islands and their surrounding reef communities are a meeting place for tropical and temperate sea life, forming one of the State’s unique marine areas.

It’s a spectacular place to go diving, fishing or snorkelling and if you’re into photography you will have a blast! Enjoy a two hour, half day or full day flight or if you have more time consider a charter tour.

Before heading to the Islands, make sure you pop into the Museum of Geraldton to hear the fascinating yet brutal Batavia Story.

Les Manalas - Abrolhos IslandsPhoto credit: Les Manalas

How to access the islands

The Abrolhos Islands can be accessed by flight or charter boat. Enjoy a two hour, half day or full day flight, or if you have more time consider a 3-9 day charter to immerse yourself in its unique beauty.

All flight, ferry and charter boat trips can be booked via our bookings page, or you can contact the Geraldton Visitor Centre for more information.


The islands are among Australia’s most important sites for breeding seabirds such as noddies shearwaters and terns. Over two million birds from 35 species breed on the islands. 

Abrolhos Islands also mark the northern most habitats of the Australian Sea Lion. Once abundant, they are now classified as a ‘vulnerable species’. Other mammals that call these islands home include the Tammar wallaby and bush rat, as well as dolphins and migrating whales.

There is an abundance of sea life at the Abrolhos including fish species of baldchin groper, coral trout, and dhufish, as well as shark species, coral, seagrasses and more.

There are over 140 species of native flora on the islands and all are classified as protected. These include heath, dwarf shrub land, saltbush and mallee.

Seal at the Abrolhos IslandsPhoto credit: Colby Bignell



The Leeuwin Current makes for pleasant sea temperatures all year round ranging from 24c (75f) in the summer months to 20c (64f) in the winter months.


The Batavia shipwreck lies in four to six metres of clear Indian Ocean and is ranked the #1 dive spot in Western Australia.

There are a number of self-guided dive trails or you may like to charter a boat.  For information on the self-guided dive trails contact the Department of Fisheries or download their information guide.


Perhaps one of the most beautiful locations for a snorkelling experience is at the Abrolhos Islands. Teeming with marine life, the Abrolhos Islands is rated #2 in the Top Ten Dive and Snorkel Spots in Western Australia.


Recreational fishing is permitted around the islands within allocated seasons. For fishing regulations and licenses please contact the Department of Fisheries.

Keen to take a look at this amazing natural wonder? Book a tour with one of our fantastic local tour operators!