Bands Spectacular 2023
Past Event
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Geraldton City Band is delighted to present the magic that is BANDS SPECTACULAR 2023 on the stage of QPT.
Several bands from the Midwest region gather again to proudly present a concert showcasing their learned playing skills.
There will also be niche groups of specialised instruments as well as vocalists. This is a great chance for the students to perform for family & friends.
The first half of the concert features each band performing on their own for you, and in the second half, all join together forming a massed band of at least 190 musicians.
This will be one of our biggest concerts yet!
Pre-show entertainment consisting of schools rock bands starts at 6.30pm in the foyer, with the main show commencing at 7pm. There will also be entertainment provided by a large guitar ensemble in the foyer during the interval break.
Performance is 3 hours including one interval
Suitable for all ages